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Instructions for scale setup, weighing patient, and storing the 6550 Portable Wheelchair Scale.

Care and cleaning, test procedures, and parts identification for the 6550 Portable Wheelchair Scale.

Installation instructions, operation, setup and calibration, and parts identification for the MedVue Model MV1.

Instructions for scale setup, weighing patient, and storing the 6550 Portable Wheelchair Scale in Canadian-French.

Instructions for scale setup, weighing patient, and storing the 6550 Portable Wheelchair Scale in Spanish.

Care and cleaning, test procedures, and parts identification for the 6550 Portable Wheelchair Scale in Canadian-French.

Care and cleaning, test procedures, and parts identification for the 6550 Portable Wheelchair Scale in Spanish.

Guidelines for disinfecting your DETECTO clinical scale and weight indicator.

Installation instructions, operation, setup & calibration, and parts identification for the Legacy MV1 Multi-Color Keys version.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Setup and Operation manual for the MV1C/MV2C MedVue Medical Weight Analyzers.